Sunday, June 27, 2010

How is this going to work?

View the pictures of the quilts and the starting bids on this site.

Post your bid in the comments. Make sure to say "Chickens" or "Garden Gate" so I know which quilt you are interested in. Also, please make sure to include your name or email address.  If you prefer to not have your bid listed in the comments, please email me at I will update the header with the highest bid to make it easy to know the highest bid.

Bidding will continue until 11:59PM on July 19th.

Once bidding closes, I will contact the highest bidder for each quit by email. You can either make a payment through my marathon fundraising page or by personal check. Once I have received confirmation that your donation has been received, I will mail your quilt to you.

If you are interested in learning more about the Children's Memorial Marathon Team, you can visit my fundraising site.

Garden Gate (45 x 33.5) - starting bid $125; current bid $150

Chickens (35 x 32) - starting bid $100